Collaborate better with C-Suite®

HIPAA-Compliant • Record Medical Cases for Review • Archive Clinical Data • Live Streaming for Healthcare Educators

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Live-stream the data from any medical device to any screen with C-Suite


Why C-Suite?

Patient Benefits

Patient Benefits

  • Immediate, remote access to experts outside of the procedure room, increasing the quality of care available to the patient.
  • Reducing the risk of exposure by limiting the number of people in the physical procedure room.
  • C-Suite allows educational facilities to simultaneously live stream cases at a separate location, making it the ideal tool for telementoring or remote training or teaching.
Security Benefits

Security Benefits

  • Encrypted HIPAA compliant connection and the ability to redact patient specific data keeps information secure.
  • C-Suite’s dedicated Server ensures that data is secure, yet also simple to retrieve.
  • Only users granted access will be able to view the footage; either from within the hospital, or externally by utilizing a VPN solution setup by the hospital IT department.
Economic Benefits

Economic Benefits

  • Highly intuitive interface means you don’t have to waste valuable resources training to use new software. C-Suite allows users to easily edit, crop, and save footage.
  • Reducing possibility of additional costs or liability associated with a patient requiring more resources after being exposed to infection by an individual in the procedure room.
  • Eliminating travel costs for experts needed in procedures specific to their specialty.

Use Cases

Physician Consultations

Physician Collaboration

Physicians can collaborate with colleagues or Primary Care Physicians down the hall or across the country.

Teaching (Live and Recorded)

Teaching (Live and Recorded)

Cases can be recorded and edited to be used at teaching hospitals or live-streamed for symposiums and seminars.

Administrative Observation

Administrative Observation

Department Heads and/or Administrators can observe and monitor in real-time, what is happening during the procedures.

Recording for Documentation

Recording for Documentation

Cases can be recorded and archived to preserve a record for follow-up, outcomes and even for future legal disputes.